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  • Baoyu meets the Level-1 capacity of Ship Pollution Response
  • 2024-1-31 22:06:08
  • On November 6, 2023, the Shenzhen Maritime Safety Administration announced the results of the supervision and inspection of the emergency pollution removal capacity of ship pollution response units in Shenzhen in 2023:


    In accordance with the requirements of the Notice of the Maritime Safety Administration of the People's Republic of China (Hai Wei Fang [2019] No. 489), the Shenzhen Maritime Safety Administration organized a supervision and inspection of the emergency pollution removal capacity of ship pollution response units in Shenzhen in November 2023:  


    SPRO Shenzhen Baoyu Seacelan Service Co., Ltd. has set up Level-1 pollution emergency response capacity. Shenzhen MSA inspected the emergency vessels, equipment, facilities and equipment required by the schedule of the "Regulations on the Management of Emergency Preparedness and Emergency Response of Marine Environmental Pollution by Ships". Inspection conclusion: meets the requirements of Level-1 Ship Pollution Response capacity.

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