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The company sets up the equipment warehouse for supporting rescue, the equipments are complete and in line with standards of emergency rate to the oil spill of national marine administration.




                     Specifivation:WGV750                                 Specifivation:WGV900                                  Specifivation:WGV1500

The solid PVC float oil containment booms are used for avoiding the spreading of the oil spill and reducing the area of oil spill, so as to surround and control, intercept and guide the oil spill source, and coordinate the equipments of oil skimming and processing, and avoid the potential oil spill and also can be used as the barricading in the water area and intercept and control other floaters.





The oil dispersant spray device is used for spraying the oil dispersant with a certain degree, making the oil spill on the water surface disperse or collect and thicken or get solidification, and change the existing form of oil spill in the sea environment, so as to reduce the pollution degree of oil spill in the water body, decrease the pollution of oil spill and it is normally used in the open sea.