In order to further strengthen the ability on oil spill emergency response, the Shanghai Baoyu held an exercise in the sea area west to the Changxing Island at 13:00 on December 20th, 2012. The exercise simulated that a grease contamination accident was found in the neighborhood of Changxing Island. The on-duty personnel took action immediately after receiving the instruction from maritime authority.
The emergency response office started the “Emergency Response Plan” and conducted the exercise. We sent out emergency response barges and auxiliary boats with emergency supplies rushing towards the accident scene to start the clean operation. At 14:00, the personnel finished placing oil containment booms in the accident area in the fastest speed under the command of emergency response office. Because of the joint effort by the emergency response barge, the auxiliary boats, the staff and the logistics department, the diffusion of the grease contamination was prevented. We used the oil recovery machine to clean up a big amount of grease contamination and finally the pollution was cleared away. The exercise ended successfully at 15:30.